What makes hypnosis work?

Hello everyone, I am Blaine Lambert at AcatalepticHypnosis.com, I will be your host and hypnotist. Today we will be talking about what makes hypnosis work:

Hypnosis Can Help Change

The human mind is capable of change. Any part of you can change at any moment given the right circumstances. Hypnosis is how we create those circumstances so that you can have that change.

We have all had experiences of not being able to see something that is right in front of us or forgetting something as soon as we walk into a room, these are normal things that every person had experienced. These are all things that the mind can and does do frequently.

Hypnosis is not Magic, But Your Brain Is

Hypnosis is not some magic wand, your brain is the magic, hypnosis is simply a tool that allows us to tap into that magic and align your habits with your goals.

Your commitment to the goal is a huge source of fuel for making the hypnosis session effective. The hypnosis is how we create the experiences that form habits and behaviors that make attaining your goal easier, simpler and more natural. With hypnosis we create trance, in the trance we create the experiences you want to have to give you practice at having the habits that you want so you can reach your goals. Hypnosis provides a space where you can effectively practice having any behavior or habit that you want to have and it is as real as real life. Your brain is the secret behind all of the things that you do and experience.

Contact Acataleptic Hypnosis for more information and to schedule a session at AcatalepticHypnosis@gmail.com or use the form found on the contact us page and we will follow up with you.

Hypnosis for Trance and Focus

What is hypnosis? It is a method to focus the mind into a trance.

What is a trance? It is a state of focused concentration.

What do we use the trance for? We use the trance to build into your neurology the experiences you need to help you reach your goals.


Post Hypnotic Suggestions


Can Hypnosis help?