Frequently Asked Questions: Hypnosis

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a remarkably fascinating state of mind where one's attention becomes entirely focused, allowing for a profound exploration of the unconscious realm. Through this heightened state of focus, the imagination takes center stage, enabling the individual to effortlessly embark on a journey towards establishing new habits and paving untrodden paths. What sets hypnosis apart is its remarkable ability to reduce resistance, making the process of transformation smoother and more accessible. By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, hypnosis offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. Neurons that fire together, wire together.

There are four states of brain activity:

Beta: 30-14 Normal consciousness, low suggestibility

Alpha: 14-7 Day dream relaxed, enhanced suggestibility

Theta: 7-4 Somewhere between day dreaming and dreaming - greatly enhances suggestibility

Delta: 4-1 sleep, high suggestibility

Hypnosis is to a degree about getting as close to a theta state as possible without dealing asleep.

Long story short: Hypnosis is a form of voluntary persuasion that uses guided meditations to help you change your habits so that they align with your goals!

What does Hypnosis feel like?

In hypnosis, your attention becomes fully absorbed, much like when you're engrossed in a captivating movie or deeply immersed in the pages of an enthralling book. It is as though your mind enters a state of heightened focus, where external distractions fade away and your consciousness rests solely on the suggestions and imagery presented to you. This remarkable ability to be entirely absorbed within the hypnotic experience allows for profound transformations and the exploration of your innermost thoughts, emotions, and desires. As your attention becomes fixated, you may find yourself effortlessly drifting into a realm where your subconscious mind takes center stage, guiding you towards self-discovery and personal growth.

Will I remember anything?

When you undergo this hypnotic session, the transcendent experience will bring about a state where your memory retention is akin to that of a regular conversation held in a quiet corner of your mind. It is vital to emphasize, however, that a select few among us may encounter a fleeting moment of amnesia, as if gently awakening from a vivid dream, during this profound journey. These unique individuals, often referred to as Somnabulists, possess an innate inclination for diving deep into the realms of hypnotic states, rendering them exquisitely receptive to the transformative power of the process.

Can I be hypnotized?

Absolutely and without a doubt. Everyone can be hypnotized, and as long as the individual wants a change and are ready for the change, they will change.

Hypnosis is a fascinating phenomenon that has captivated the minds of many, sparking curiosity and intrigue. It remains an enigma to some, but the truth is that everyone has the potential to experience this altered state of consciousness. It is a natural occurrence that can be likened to daydreaming, a common experience that we can all relate to. Just as our minds wander off into the realms of imagination and fantasy when we daydream, we can also delve into the depths of hypnotic trance. This universal capacity for hypnosis highlights the remarkable capabilities of the human mind and its intrinsic connection to the realm of suggestion and suggestion. So, whether you are a dreamer, a thinker, or simply someone curious enough to explore the depths of your own mind, rest assured that the doors to hypnosis are open to you. Embrace the power within and tap into this innate ability that lies dormant within us all.

Will hypnosis be able to help me with X?

Yes, hypnosis can help with almost anything.

Things that I have personally seen or done:

-Forming new habits for things like quitting smoking or weight reduction

-Pain control to decrease the discomfort of things like burns or tattoos

-Experiencing Imagined events as if they were fully real, like lucid dreaming.

-Profound comfort and relaxation

-Easily able to fall asleep in minutes

-Anything your mind can do, can be directed in a deliberate, intentional way to achieve your goals

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

No, it is not possible to get stuck in hypnosis because it is a state of mind primarily characterized by low brain waves. During hypnosis, the most effective states of mind are typically between Alpha and Theta, which promote deep relaxation and suggestibility. While it is possible to reach the deeply relaxed state of Delta, it may cause the individual to fall asleep during the process. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance between inducing a state of deep relaxation and maintaining the individual's alertness to fully engage in the hypnotic experience.

What if I fall asleep during the hypnosis?

I would wake you up and we would either continue or reschedule.

Can I be hypnotized though?

Yes, it is absolutely true that everyone possesses the innate capacity to be hypnotized. The fascinating aspect of hypnosis lies in its ability to tap into the natural potential for transformation that already exists within each individual. Throughout our lives, we undergo countless changes, both big and small, as we grow, learn, and adapt to new circumstances. These changes are evidence of our inherent capability for change. Hypnosis, therefore, serves as a powerful tool that can facilitate and enhance this process of personal transformation.

By harnessing the power of hypnosis, we can make our next change - whether it be overcoming a challenge, achieving a goal, or adopting a new perspective - simpler, easier, and faster. It empowers us to delve deep into our inner selves, accessing the wellspring of our potential and navigating the pathways of our subconscious mind. So, embrace this remarkable tool, and unlock the incredible power within you to create positive and lasting change.