Can Hypnosis help?

Hello everyone, I am Blaine Lambert at, I will be your host and hypnotist. Today we will be talking about how hypnosis can help:

Hypnosis is a method of directing your mind into a state of focused concentration that we call trance. In the trance we can create the necessary neurological exchanges and direction of energy to line up your habits with your goals.

We rewrite your automatic habits so that you have the option to live the life you want to live. The hypnotic trance is one of the most useful tools for change work.

If you think back to the times that you have had changes, big changes in your life, these are typically traced to specific moments. Moments of enough is enough, the new behaviors and thought patterns gets a supercharge and become the dominant, automatic habits.

With hypnosis, we create the sort of energetic conditions to create change without it having to be a situation with trauma or negative emotions. Together we can make the changes that you need to reach your goals, your mind is the most powerful tool when it comes to creating new habits.

So, yes, absolutely, hypnosis can help and Acataleptic Hypnosis is here to help, sign up for a session today!

Sessions, conversations and more!

Contact Acataleptic Hypnosis for more information and to schedule a session at or use the form found on the contact us page and we will follow up with you.

What is hypnosis? It is a method to focus the mind into a trance.

What is a trance? It is a state of focused concentration.

What do we use the trance for? We use the trance to build into your neurology the experiences you need to help you reach your goals.


What makes hypnosis work?


Hypnosis for Motivation enhancement