Post Hypnotic Suggestions

Hello everyone, I am Blaine Lambert at, I will be your host and hypnotist. Today we will be talking about post hypnotic suggestions:

What are post hypnotic suggestions? Post hypnotic suggestions are suggestions that go into effect after the sessions is over, an example being that you will want to drink water or that you will enjoy the water or that the water will taste refreshing.

Post hypnotic suggestions have a varying amount of strength depending on the suggestions itself, the person, their determination to follow through, and the situation the post hypnotic suggestion attempts to be fired of in.

Here is an example, let us say a person is given a post hypnotic suggestions that any time they are feeling anxiety, they can put together their thumb and first finger and say “relaxing, breathing, drifting, floating.” they will feel a wave of relaxation and each time they repeat the behavior the relaxation will grow. When a situation comes up where they feel that anxiety, they can do this behavior and experience relaxation. The more that the behavior is practiced in the hypnosis session, the more effective it will be.

How long does a particular post hypnotic suggestion last? That is not really possible to say, there are simple too many factors that can come up over the course of life to disrupt the behaviors that we create within ourselves, but if we reinforce the post hypnotic suggestion regularly when we feel like it isn’t working as well as it did, we can make it so that the post hypnotic suggestion is effective forever. If we do not use the post hypnotic suggestion and the situation the suggestion applies to doesn’t happen very frequently, it can weaken the post hypnotic suggestion to the point of it not being effective. Naturally to return the PHS to full strength, one simply needs to do a hypnosis session or listen to a recording designed to reinforce the PHS and it will regain it's potency.

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Contact Acataleptic Hypnosis for more information and to schedule a session at or use the form found on the contact us page and we will follow up with you.

What is hypnosis? It is a method to focus the mind into a trance.

What is a trance? It is a state of focused concentration.

What do we use the trance for? We use the trance to build into your neurology the experiences you need to help you reach your goals.

Acataleptic Hypnosis vlog on Post Hypnotic Suggestions


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