What is hypnosis?

Hello everyone, I am Blaine Lambert at AcatalepticHypnosis.com, I will be your host and hypnotist. Today we will be talking about what hypnosis is and how it works:

Hypnosis is a method of focusing the mind

Hypnosis is a method of focusing the mind into a hypnotic trance. Trance is a state of focused concentration, we experience these states all day everyday. The most common trances are movie or book trances, where the whole minds attention is focused on just the one source of experience. The difference between one of these ordinary trances and a hypnotic trance is the purpose.

It may be helpful to think of hypnosis like cooperative guided meditation.

It may be helpful to think of hypnosis like cooperative guided meditation. The hypnotist is there to ease the difficulty in entering that meditative hypnotic trance state and make the process of automating the new habits much simpler and more effective.

With a hypnotic trance, our purpose is to give you experiences that will help you align your habits with your goals.

With a hypnotic trance our purpose is to give you experiences that will help you align your habits and other automatic responses with your goals. In a hypnotic trance you can have almost any experience you would desire and it can feel as real as if it were happening in “real life”. All experiences, whether real life or imagined are constructed in your mind, the barrier between what the mind perceives as real or imagined can be made malleable with hypnosis and we can create vivid experiences that are as real as any competing experience from your past.

This is how we create change rapidly and easily.

Our past, our memories are filled with learned, habitual responses. Through creating new, vivid experiences in a hypnotic trance we can give you a new memory that has as much weight as any other experience that you have had in your life. This is how we create change rapidly and easily.

You have to want the changes for them to be effective

Through hypnotic trance, you are able to enter into a dream like state of consciousness where we have full control over your experience. Much like a dream, you cannot get stuck in the hypnotic trance and only the instructions that you want are able to be effective. You have to want the changes for them to be effective and that is a real, significant commitment.

So, What is hypnosis? It is a path to aligning your habits with your goals!

Contact with Acat Hypnosis for help with:

  • Hypnosis for Stress relief

  • Hypnosis for Better sleep

  • Hypnosis for Weight loss

  • Hypnosis for Quitting smoking

  • Hypnotic Guided Imagery

Reach out today and schedule a session!

What is hypnosis? It is a method to focus the mind into a trance.

What is a trance? It is a state of focused concentration.

What do we use the trance for? We use the trance to build into your neurology the experiences you need to help you reach your goals.

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