What should I expect during a hypnosis session?

Hello everyone, I am Blaine Lambert at AcatalepticHypnosis.com, I will be your host and hypnotist. Today we will be talking about what to expect during a session:

What is supposed to happen? How is it supposed to feel?

What you should expect is relaxation and comfort. A trance is similar the state right before you drop into sleep.

Some people experience an involuntary twitch or kick when entering into a trance similar to the kind experiences in a dream where you fall.

You should expect to feel like you have been resting.

You should expect to remember the hypnosis.

You should expect to change.

Experience Hypnosis!

What is hypnosis? It is a way to focus the mind into a trance.

What is a trance? It is a state of focused concentration.

What do we use the trance for? We use the trance to build into your neurology the experiences you need to help you reach your goals.

Does hypnosis work? Yes, hypnosis and trance are very effective in helping people reach their goals.

Does hypnosis work immediately? Hypnosis is a skill that involves focused concentration and an almost entirely inward focus. The more that someone practices achieving this state, the more effective and immediate the results.


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