What is a trance?

Hello everyone, I am Blaine Lambert at AcatalepticHypnosis.com, I will be your host and hypnotist. Today we will be talking about what a trance is and what it is not:

What is a trance? A trance is a state of focused concentration. We go in and out of these all day, everyday.

What makes a hypnotic trance different from everyday trances?

It is how we use it. After focusing the concentration of the person being hypnotized, a sort of lucid waking dream is engaged. It is has similar mechanics to sleep waking in that it is untethered from the person's environment. In this sort of trance, an individual can have essentially any experience, they can build practice for whatever behavior they seek to create a habit around.

Can someone get stuck in a trance?

No, it is not possible to get stuck on a hypnotic trance. It is a state of mind that requires intention to create and maintain.

How does trance feel?

It feels like meditation mixed with the relaxation of sleep.

In trance time passes faster than expected as well, it can feel like only a few minutes have passed when it was really a much longer experience, 45 minutes can easily feel like 15. Using suggestion in a hypnotic state, they opposite can be created, how if perceived time can pass in a very short amount of time, very much like how time passes in a dream.

The possiblies for experiences in trance are as limitless as the possibilities for experiences on a dream.

Will you remember what happens in a trance?

Generally, you will remember as much as you would during a regular conversation. There is a curious phenomenon of surface level amnesia for wear happens during the trance, much like a dream, it is possible to initially not have any memory of what happens during the trance but those memories can be easily recovered by talking about what we did in trance. Also, simply waiting a few minutes will also bring back the memories, the brain state change takes a moment to get used to and can cause the memory fuzziness.

Can you be made to do things against your will in trance?

No, much like a dream, if something is out of place or would be something that you don't like, your mind kicks you out of trance, just like realizing when you are dreaming and the awareness of dreaming wakes you up.

If you want to find out more about hypnosis, trance or all of the ways that hypnotism can help you, contact us at Acataleptic Hypnosis for more information and setup a consultation.

Experience Hypnosis!

What is hypnosis? It is a method to focus the mind into a trance.

What is a trance? It is a state of focused concentration.

What do we use the trance for? We use the trance to build into your neurology the experiences you need to help you reach your goals.


What do you do after the hypnosis session is over?


Why hypnosis?